Virtual Assistant Ashley Franklin Virtual Assistant Ashley Franklin

Mastering the Virtual Nod: A Virtual Assistant’s Secret Weapon

In the dynamic world of virtual assistance, mastering the art of the "Virtual Nod" is akin to having a secret weapon. It's the unspoken way virtual assistants communicate understanding, empathy, and professionalism through digital channels. In this blog post, we'll delve into the significance of the Virtual Nod and explore how it transforms a virtual assistant into a trusted partner, enhancing client relationships and overall productivity.

In the dynamic world of virtual assistance, mastering the art of the "Virtual Nod" is akin to having a secret weapon. It's the unspoken way virtual assistants communicate understanding, empathy, and professionalism through digital channels. In this blog post, we'll delve into the significance of the Virtual Nod and explore how it transforms a virtual assistant into a trusted partner, enhancing client relationships and overall productivity.

Understanding the Virtual Nod

The Virtual Nod refers to the virtual assistant’s ability to convey attentiveness, comprehension, and assurance through online communication. It's the digital equivalent of a nod, a smile, or an affirming gesture, all of which are crucial in face-to-face interactions. In the virtual realm, mastering this skill involves employing various techniques to assure clients that their needs are understood and valued.

The Power of Active Listening

Active listening is the cornerstone of the Virtual Nod. Virtual assistants must fully comprehend their clients' requirements, concerns, and goals. This understanding not only enhances the quality of work but also builds trust. Techniques like paraphrasing, summarizing, and asking clarifying questions demonstrate active listening and show clients that their messages are received and valued.

Timely and Thoughtful Responses

A crucial aspect of the Virtual Nod is responding promptly and thoughtfully. Even in the virtual world, time matters. Acknowledge messages swiftly, even if it's a brief acknowledgment to indicate you're working on the request. Thoughtful responses reflect your attention to detail and commitment to providing exceptional service.

Embracing Empathy

Empathy is a vital component of the Virtual Nod. Understanding your clients' challenges, celebrating their successes, and acknowledging their concerns fosters a strong client-virtual assistant relationship. Empathetic responses, even in written form, convey understanding and support, creating a positive atmosphere for collaboration.

Going the Extra Mile

A virtual assistant who masters the Virtual Nod doesn’t just meet expectations; they exceed them. Anticipate your clients’ needs, offer proactive suggestions, and provide solutions before issues arise. Going the extra mile demonstrates your commitment to their success, reinforcing the trust and partnership between you and your clients.

Building Long-lasting Partnerships

The Virtual Nod isn’t just a technique; it’s a mindset. By consistently employing these strategies, virtual assistants can transform ordinary client relationships into enduring partnerships. Clients who experience the Virtual Nod are more likely to return for future collaborations and recommend your services to others, leading to a thriving virtual assistant career.

In the digital age, mastering the Virtual Nod is the key to becoming an exceptional virtual assistant. It's not just about completing tasks; it’s about building meaningful connections, understanding client needs, and providing unparalleled support. By honing the art of the Virtual Nod, virtual assistants can elevate their careers, leaving a lasting impact on their clients and the virtual assistance community as a whole. Remember, in the virtual world, a well-executed Virtual Nod can speak louder than words and forge bonds that stand the test of time.

Looking to get started as a Virtual Assistant but not sure where to start? Schedule a free consultation and we will help you get on your way to success!

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Embracing Feedback: A Guide for Virtual Assistants

Feedback is a valuable tool for personal and professional growth, and as a virtual assistant, it's essential to embrace feedback as a means to enhance your skills, effectiveness, and overall performance. While receiving feedback can sometimes be challenging, understanding how to approach it constructively can lead to significant improvements in your role. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of feedback for virtual assistants and provide tips on how to receive and use it effectively.

The Power of Feedback

Feedback is a two-way street, and it plays a pivotal role in your development as a virtual assistant. Here's why feedback is so crucial:

  • Growth and Improvement: Constructive feedback can identify areas for improvement and help you enhance your skills and performance.

  • Client Satisfaction: Understanding your client's feedback allows you to align your work with their expectations, leading to higher satisfaction.

  • Building Trust: Accepting feedback with grace and implementing changes demonstrates your commitment to your client's success, which builds trust.

Approaching Feedback with an Open Mind

Receiving feedback can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially if it includes criticism. However, it's essential to approach feedback with an open and receptive attitude. Here's how:

  • Stay Calm and Listen: When receiving feedback, stay composed, and actively listen to what your client has to say. Avoid getting defensive or emotional.

  • Seek Clarification: If the feedback is unclear, don't hesitate to ask for clarification. This shows that you value their input and are committed to understanding their perspective.

  • Thank Them: Regardless of the nature of the feedback, express gratitude for taking the time to provide it. A simple "Thank you for your feedback" can go a long way.

Distinguishing Between Constructive and Destructive Feedback

Not all feedback is created equal. It's essential to distinguish between constructive feedback, which aims to help you improve, and destructive feedback, which may be unhelpful or hurtful.

  • Constructive Feedback: Focuses on specific behaviors or actions, offers suggestions for improvement, and is delivered with the intention of helping you grow.

  • Destructive Feedback: Is vague, critical without offering solutions, or is delivered with the intent to harm rather than assist.

Implementing Feedback Effectively

Receiving feedback is just the first step; the real growth happens when you use it to make positive changes. Here's how to implement feedback effectively:

  • Reflect and Analyze: Take time to reflect on the feedback. Identify specific areas where you can make improvements.

  • Set Goals: Based on the feedback, set achievable goals for yourself. These can be short-term goals aimed at addressing immediate concerns or long-term goals for ongoing improvement.

  • Seek Support: If the feedback points to a need for additional training or resources, don't hesitate to seek support or further education in those areas.

Follow Up and Show Continuous Improvement

After implementing changes based on feedback, it's crucial to follow up with your client. Show them that you've taken their input seriously and share how you've addressed their concerns. This not only demonstrates your commitment but also ensures that the feedback loop remains open for ongoing improvement.

Feedback is an essential part of your journey as a virtual assistant. It's a powerful tool for growth, client satisfaction, and building trust. By approaching feedback with an open mind, distinguishing between constructive and destructive feedback, and implementing it effectively, you can continuously improve your skills and excel in your role. Embrace feedback as an opportunity for growth, and watch as it propels you toward success as a virtual assistant.

Looking to get started as a Virtual Assistant but not sure where to start? Schedule a free consultation and we will help you get on your way to success!

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Unlocking Success Through 1:1 Meetings with Your Virtual Assistant

Regular 1:1 meetings with your virtual assistant are a powerful tool for achieving success in your professional endeavors. These meetings help build trust, clarify expectations, set goals, provide feedback, and facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, virtual assistants have become invaluable assets for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even larger corporations. These skilled professionals provide support in various tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources for their clients. However, the key to a thriving virtual assistant-client relationship often lies in regular 1:1 meetings. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of these meetings and provide valuable insights on how to utilize them for success.

Building Rapport and Trust

One of the primary advantages of 1:1 meetings with your virtual assistant is the opportunity to build rapport and trust. Establishing a strong working relationship is crucial for effective collaboration. During these meetings, you have a chance to get to know each other on a personal level, fostering a deeper connection beyond the professional tasks.

Tips for Building Rapport:

  • Share personal anecdotes and experiences.

  • Ask about your virtual assistant's career goals and interests.

  • Express appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

Clarifying Expectations

Effective communication is at the heart of every successful partnership. 1:1 meetings provide the perfect platform for clarifying expectations on both sides. Use these meetings to ensure that both you and your virtual assistant are aligned regarding goals, tasks, and priorities.

Discuss Expectations:

  • Review the scope of work and responsibilities.

  • Confirm deadlines and project priorities.

  • Address any concerns or uncertainties.

Setting Goals and Milestones: Goal-setting is a crucial component of any successful business endeavor. During your 1:1 meetings, take the time to set specific goals and milestones with your virtual assistant. These goals can be related to project completion, performance metrics, or personal development.

Effective Goal-Setting:

  • Make goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).

  • Break larger objectives into smaller, manageable milestones.

  • Discuss strategies and action plans to achieve these goals.

Feedback and Improvement: Constructive feedback is essential for growth and improvement. Use your 1:1 meetings as a platform to provide feedback to your virtual assistant and, equally importantly, to receive their input as well. Constructive feedback helps in refining processes and ensures both parties are continuously learning and adapting.

Effective Feedback Conversations:

  1. Be specific and provide examples.

  2. Offer praise for achievements and progress.

  3. Encourage your virtual assistant to share their insights and suggestions

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: 1:1 meetings also serve as an ideal space for addressing challenges and making decisions collaboratively. Whether you're facing obstacles in a project or need to make strategic choices, these meetings allow for open dialogue and problem-solving.

Effective Problem-Solving:

  • Identify challenges or bottlenecks.

  • Brainstorm solutions together.

  • Make informed decisions based on the discussion.

Regular 1:1 meetings with your virtual assistant are a powerful tool for achieving success in your professional endeavors. These meetings help build trust, clarify expectations, set goals, provide feedback, and facilitate problem-solving and decision-making. By harnessing the potential of these meetings, you'll not only enhance the productivity of your virtual assistant but also nurture a partnership that can lead to long-term success. Embrace these opportunities for open and meaningful communication, and watch as your virtual assistant becomes an integral part of your growth and achievements.

Looking to hire a Virtual Assistant, but nervous to take on the management of the relationship? We are here to help you! Let our team help you find the right VA, help you onboard them, and establish a healthy partnership! Schedule your free consultation today!

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Setting Clear Visions and Expectations as a Virtual Assistant

In today's rapidly evolving work landscape, the role of a virtual assistant has become increasingly indispensable. Virtual assistants play a crucial role in helping businesses streamline their operations, manage their tasks, and boost productivity. However, to excel in this role and ensure a mutually beneficial working relationship, it's essential to set clear visions and expectations from the outset. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of clear communication, define expectations, and discuss how to establish a strong foundation as a virtual assistant

In today's rapidly evolving work landscape, the role of a virtual assistant has become increasingly indispensable. Virtual assistants play a crucial role in helping businesses streamline their operations, manage their tasks, and boost productivity. However, to excel in this role and ensure a mutually beneficial working relationship, it's essential to set clear visions and expectations from the outset. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of clear communication, define expectations, and discuss how to establish a strong foundation as a virtual assistant.

Clear Communication is Key

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful virtual assistant-client relationship. As a virtual assistant, it's your responsibility to ensure that both you and your client are on the same page. Here are some communication strategies to consider:

Initial Consultation:

  • Begin with an in-depth consultation where you discuss your client's needs, goals, and expectations.

  • Listen actively to understand their business and personal preferences.

Regular Updates:

  • Establish a regular reporting schedule (e.g., weekly or monthly) to update your client on your progress.

  • Highlight any potential issues or challenges, and propose solutions.

Ask for Feedback:

  • Encourage open and honest feedback from your client to continuously improve your performance.

  • Address concerns promptly and professionally.

Define Expectations Clearly

To set the stage for a successful partnership, it's crucial to define expectations clearly from the start. This includes:

Scope of Work:

  • Outline the specific tasks and responsibilities you'll handle.

  • Discuss any limitations or areas that are outside your expertise.

Working Hours and Availability:

  • Establish your working hours and communicate your availability.

  • Set boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Deadlines and Priorities:

  • Agree on project deadlines and priorities.

  • Make sure both parties understand which tasks are urgent and which can be scheduled for later.

Tools and Technology:

  • Confirm the tools, software, and platforms you'll use for communication and task management.

  • Ensure you have access to the necessary resources.

Build Trust Through Reliability

Reliability is a virtual assistant's most valuable asset. By consistently meeting deadlines, delivering high-quality work, and being proactive, you build trust with your client. Trust is the foundation of a strong working relationship and can lead to long-term partnerships and referrals.

Adaptability and Continuous Learning

In the dynamic world of virtual assistance, staying adaptable and committed to continuous learning is vital. Clients' needs and industries evolve, so it's essential to stay updated on the latest trends, tools, and technologies relevant to your field. Being adaptable allows you to pivot when necessary and continue providing value to your clients.

Regular Check-Ins

Even after the initial onboarding phase, it's important to schedule regular check-ins with your client. This provides an opportunity to assess the progress of your work, address any concerns, and make adjustments to your strategy as needed. Regular communication ensures that both you and your client remain aligned with their goals and expectations.

Setting clear visions and expectations as a virtual assistant is the key to building successful, long-lasting client relationships. Effective communication, defining expectations, reliability, adaptability, and regular check-ins are essential components of this process. By following these principles, you'll not only excel in your role but also contribute significantly to your client's success. In a world where virtual assistance is in high demand, your ability to provide clarity and deliver results will set you apart as a trusted and valuable partner.

Looking to get started as a Virtual Assistant but not sure where to start? Schedule a free consultation and we will help you get on your way to success!

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Granting Account Access to Virtual Assistants: A Strategic Move for Efficiency

In today's fast-paced digital world, virtual assistants have become indispensable assets for businesses of all sizes. These skilled professionals offer invaluable support in various aspects of your operations, from administrative tasks to marketing and beyond. However, one crucial question often arises: should you grant your virtual assistants access to your accounts, and if so, how can you do it securely and efficiently? We'll explore the benefits, best practices, and considerations of giving your virtual assistants access to your accounts.

In today's fast-paced digital world, virtual assistants have become indispensable assets for businesses of all sizes. These skilled professionals offer invaluable support in various aspects of your operations, from administrative tasks to marketing and beyond. However, one crucial question often arises: should you grant your virtual assistants access to your accounts, and if so, how can you do it securely and efficiently? We'll explore the benefits, best practices, and considerations of giving your virtual assistants access to your accounts.

Why Grant Account Access to Virtual Assistants?

Streamlined Operations:

Giving your virtual assistants access to relevant accounts can streamline tasks such as email management, social media posting, and content creation. It empowers them to take immediate action on your behalf, enhancing efficiency.

Real-Time Updates:

With account access, virtual assistants can provide real-time updates on critical metrics, respond to inquiries promptly, and keep your online presence current and engaging.

Data Entry and Management:

Virtual assistants can handle data entry, client management, and other administrative tasks directly within the systems, reducing the risk of errors.

Saves You Time:

Delegating account access tasks frees up your time to focus on strategic aspects of your business, allowing you to grow and expand.

Granting your virtual assistants access to your accounts can be a strategic move to boost efficiency and streamline your business operations. By following best practices, setting clear expectations, and using secure tools and platforms, you can ensure a smooth and secure collaboration that benefits both you and your virtual assistants. So, empower your virtual team and watch your productivity soar!

Looking to hire a Virtual Assistant, but nervous to take on the management of the relationship? We are here to help you! Let our team help you find the right VA, help you onboard them, and establish a healthy partnership! Schedule your free consultation today!

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Project Management for Virtual Assistants

Project management isn't just a buzzword; it's the compass that guides your ship in the vast sea of virtual tasks. Think of it as your trusty first mate, helping you chart a course towards productivity, efficiency, and success. Here's how you can make it work for you:


Virtual assistants, let's channel our inner Marie Kondo and declutter those virtual spaces! Whether you're handling emails, schedules, or a multitude of tasks, staying organized is key. Tools like Trello, Asana, or even a good old notebook can be your best friends on this voyage.


In the world of virtual project management, clear and effective communication is key. Keep your messages concise, be an active listener, and maintain a friendly, approachable tone.


Virtual assistants, meet your right-hand companion: technology. Utilize project management software, video conferencing platforms, and collaboration tools to streamline your workflow. These digital tools are always there to lend a helping hand.

Setting Expectations and Boundaries:

As you navigate your projects, remember to set clear expectations with your clients or team members. Define what they can expect from you and when. Equally important, establish boundaries to ensure a balanced work-life harmony.

By incorporating project management into your virtual assistant skill set, you're not just assisting; you're navigating, steering, and ultimately ensuring success.

Looking to get started as a Virtual Assistant but not sure where to start? Schedule a free consultation and we will help you get on your way to success!

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The Art of Communication with Virtual Assistants: Navigating the Work-Life Balance

In this fast-paced digital age, virtual assistants have become an indispensable part of our professional lives. They are the modern-day magic genies that make our work easier, more efficient, and dare we say, even a bit more fun! But, just like any relationship, communication with virtual assistants requires a delicate balance.

In this fast-paced digital age, virtual assistants have become an indispensable part of our professional lives. They are the modern-day magic genies that make our work easier, more efficient, and dare we say, even a bit more fun! But, just like any relationship, communication with virtual assistants requires a delicate balance. In this blog post, we'll explore the do's and don'ts of communicating with your virtual assistant during and after work hours, all while maintaining professionalism and a sprinkle of playfulness.

During Hours: Where Professionalism Reigns Supreme

Set Clear Expectations

First things first, establish clear guidelines and expectations for working hours. Whether you're working with a human or a virtual assistant, a well-defined schedule ensures everyone is on the same page. Let your assistant know when you expect them to be available and responsive.

Respect Boundaries

Just because your virtual assistant is available during certain hours doesn't mean they're on call 24/7. Respect their time off. Avoid bombarding them with tasks and queries outside of their designated work hours unless it's an emergency. Remember, a rested assistant is a more effective one.

Use Professional Language

Maintain a professional tone in all your communications during work hours. Use clear and concise language, and be specific about your needs. It's essential to communicate tasks, deadlines, and expectations clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

Regular Check-Ins

Schedule regular check-in meetings to discuss ongoing projects, answer questions, and provide feedback. These meetings can be a blend of professionalism and a touch of playfulness, making them productive and enjoyable for both you and your virtual assistant.

After Hours: Balancing Playfulness with Respect

Urgent Matters Only

After work hours, limit communication to urgent matters only. Respect your virtual assistant's personal time and space. If it can wait until the next workday, let it wait.

Use Messaging Apps Sparingly

If you must communicate after hours, use messaging apps with discretion. Apps like Slack and email have built-in scheduling features, allowing you to compose messages and set them to send during work hours, maintaining the boundary between work and personal time.

Express Gratitude

Don't forget to express gratitude for your virtual assistant's hard work. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in maintaining a positive and respectful relationship. You might even consider sending occasional surprises or tokens of appreciation.

Virtual Assistant's Well-being

Show genuine concern for your virtual assistant's well-being. Ask about their day, hobbies, or interests during appropriate conversations. Building a personal connection can make the working relationship more enjoyable and productive.

Communicating with virtual assistants is a balancing act. By setting clear expectations, respecting boundaries, and expressing appreciation, you can build a productive and enjoyable working relationship with your virtual assistant. Remember, a harmonious connection with your virtual assistant can make work feel less like a chore and more like a delightful collaboration. Cheers to successful virtual partnerships! 🎉

Looking to get started as a Virtual Assistant but not sure where to start? Schedule a free consultation and we will help you get on your way to success!

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Crafting a Welcoming Culture for Virtual Assistants: Part 2

In today's fast-paced world, the role of virtual assistants (VAs) has evolved from being a mere convenience to becoming an integral part of many businesses. As more companies embrace the virtual workplace, creating a welcoming culture for virtual assistants has never been more critical. After all, happy virtual assistants are more productive, engaged, and eager to contribute their best. In part 1 we chatted about communication, training and flexibility. 

Celebrate Achievements

A virtual assistant's accomplishments should be acknowledged and celebrated, just like any other team member. When they reach milestones, meet targets, or contribute innovative ideas, recognize their efforts with praise and rewards.

Consider implementing a virtual "Employee of the Month" program or sending personalized thank-you notes or virtual gifts to show your appreciation. Small gestures can go a long way in making virtual assistants feel valued and motivated.

Virtual Team-Building Activities

Virtual team-building activities are a fun way to strengthen bonds among your team members, no matter where they are located. Host virtual happy hours, trivia nights, or themed dress-up days to create a sense of togetherness. Don't forget to include your virtual assistants in these activities to make them feel like an integral part of the team.

In the world of remote work, creating a welcoming culture for virtual assistants is not just a good practice; it's a necessity. A positive and inclusive culture ensures that your virtual assistants feel valued, motivated, and ready to give their best to your business. By fostering clear communication, investing in their growth, embracing flexibility, celebrating achievements, and organizing virtual team-building activities, you'll create an environment where professionalism and playfulness coexist harmoniously, resulting in a highly productive and happy virtual assistant team. So, go ahead, and craft that welcoming culture for your virtual assistants – it's a win-win for everyone involved!

Looking to hire a Virtual Assistant, but nervous to take on the management of the relationship? We are here to help you! Let our team help you find the right VA, help you onboard them, and establish a healthy partnership! Schedule your free consultation today!

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Crafting a Welcoming Culture for Virtual Assistants: Part 1

In today's fast-paced world, the role of virtual assistants (VAs) has evolved from being a mere convenience to becoming an integral part of many businesses. As more companies embrace the virtual workplace, creating a welcoming culture for virtual assistants has never been more critical. After all, happy virtual assistants are more productive, engaged, and eager to contribute their best. 

Clear Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful virtual assistant relationship. Clear and open lines of communication ensure that expectations are understood, goals are aligned, and any issues can be addressed promptly. So, while your virtual assistant may not be physically present in your office, they should feel like a part of your team.

Start by setting up regular video meetings or check-ins to discuss tasks, provide feedback, and simply catch up. These meetings are not only productive but also an opportunity to get to know each other on a personal level. Remember, a virtual assistant is not just a name on a screen; they are a real person with feelings, ideas, and a unique personality.

Invest in Training and Development

A welcoming virtual assistant culture is one that nurtures growth and learning. Encourage your virtual assistants to expand their skills and knowledge by offering training and development opportunities. This not only benefits your business but also shows your commitment to their professional development.

Consider organizing webinars or online courses related to your industry or their specific role. Support them in obtaining certifications or skills that enhance their abilities. By investing in their growth, you not only build a more competent team but also create a sense of belonging and loyalty.

Embrace Flexibility

One of the advantages of having virtual assistants is the flexibility they bring to your team. Recognize and respect the flexibility that comes with remote work. Understand that your virtual assistants have their own schedules and responsibilities outside of work.

Allow for flexible work hours and be understanding of their time zones. When you show flexibility, it fosters a sense of trust and empowers your virtual assistants to manage their work-life balance effectively.

Looking to hire a Virtual Assistant, but nervous to take on the management of the relationship? We are here to help you! Let our team help you find the right VA, help you onboard them, and establish a healthy partnership! Schedule your free consultation today!

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Striking a Balance: How to Set Boundaries as a Virtual Assistant

In the world of remote work, the role of a Virtual Assistant (VA) offers incredible flexibility and freedom. However, like any profession, it comes with its own set of challenges, one of the most significant being the need to establish clear boundaries. Setting boundaries as a VA is not just about drawing lines; it's about maintaining a harmonious work-life balance. Lets chat about the art of boundary-setting ensuring you achieve peak productivity without burning out.

  1. Define Your Work Hours: Every VA should establish a set schedule to avoid work seeping into personal life. Clearly communicate your working hours to your clients and colleagues, and stick to them as closely as possible. Remember, a well-defined work schedule is your passport to work-life balance.

    *Tip: Use a colorful, eye-catching calendar or planner to highlight your working hours, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

  2. Create a Dedicated Workspace: Even in the virtual world, your workspace matters. Designate a specific area in your home for work. When you're in this space, you're in "work mode." When you step away, you're off the clock. Make it fun with vibrant desk accessories, playful sticky notes or motivational posters.

  3. Set Communication Boundaries: Establish rules for communication channels. Inform clients and colleagues about your preferred means of communication (email, chat, video calls) and the times when you're available to respond. Don't hesitate to mute notifications during non-working hours.

    *Tip: Consider using a virtual "Do Not Disturb" sign (a quirky graphic or GIF) on your chat apps to signal when you're unavailable.

  4. Prioritize Tasks and Set Limits: Effective time management is key to success. Prioritize tasks using a system that works for you, such as the Eisenhower Matrix. Be realistic about your workload, and don't overcommit. Remember, quality always trumps quantity.

  5. Learn to Say "No" Politely: As a VA, you might be a go-to person for many tasks. But it's crucial to recognize your limits. Politely declining additional work when you're at capacity is a sign of professionalism, not weakness. Suggest an alternative timeline or resource.

    *Tip: Use a humorous GIF or meme when declining extra tasks to maintain a friendly tone when appropriate.

  6. Take Regular Breaks: Stepping away from your desk is not just advisable; it's essential. Set a timer for regular breaks, and use this time to recharge. Incorporate playful activities, like a quick dance session or a puzzle game, to refresh your mind. Maybe even a quick walk around the block.

  7. Set Boundaries with Family and Friends: Working from home can blur the lines between work and personal life. Communicate with family and friends about your working hours, and ask for their support in respecting those boundaries. A friendly reminder on your door or desk can serve as a playful visual cue.

  8. Invest in Self-Care: Remember that your well-being is essential. Dedicate time for self-care activities that rejuvenate you. Whether it's a relaxing bath, a good book, or a hobby, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine.

  9. Reflect and Adjust: Periodically evaluate your boundaries to ensure they're still effective. Life evolves, and so should your boundaries. Reflect on what's working and what needs adjustment, then make the necessary changes with a playful spirit of adaptation.

It’s a Balancing Act - Setting boundaries as a Virtual Assistant is not a rigid practice but rather a delightful dance between your professional commitments and your personal life. By defining your work hours, communicating effectively, and infusing some fun into the process, you'll master the art of balancing work and life. Remember, boundaries aren't restrictions; they're the pillars that support your productivity and well-being in the virtual world.

Looking to get started as a Virtual Assistant but not sure where to start? Schedule a free consultation and we will help you get on your way to success!

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Boosting Productivity: Essential Tools Every Virtual Assistant Needs - Canva

tools to boost productivity that every virtual assistant should know about

Welcome to the world of virtual assistance, where your ability to juggle tasks and stay organized is crucial to your success. In this series, we're going to explore essential tools that can revolutionize your role as a virtual assistant and make your life a whole lot easier. Up first we have Canva.

 Canva: Elevate Your Visual Content Game

In today's digital landscape, visual content is king. Whether you're creating eye-catching social media graphics, informative infographics, or engaging blog images, Canva is your go-to tool. It's the graphic design platform designed for those who don't consider themselves designers.

Key Features for VAs:

  • User-Friendly Design: Canva's drag-and-drop interface is a breeze to use, even if you're not a design pro.

  • Templates for Days: Access thousands of professionally designed templates for everything from social media posts to business cards.

  • Brand Consistency: Maintain your client's brand identity with the Brand Kit feature, which stores brand colors, fonts, and logos for easy access.

  • Collaboration Made Easy: Share designs with clients and team members for real-time feedback and collaboration.

Benefits for Virtual Assistants:

  • Professionalism: Impress your clients with stunning visuals that enhance their brand and online presence.

  • Efficiency: Canva's templates and tools speed up your design process, saving you valuable time.

  • Versatility: From social media posts to ebooks and presentations, Canva can handle it all.

  • Client Satisfaction: Delivering high-quality visuals showcases your commitment to your client's success, building trust and long-term partnerships.

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Onboarding: Giving your Virtual Assistant the Attention They Need for Success

Onboarding your Virtual Assistant for success

In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work, Virtual Assistants (VAs) have become invaluable assets for entrepreneurs and businesses alike. They offer a variety of skills and expertise while allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your business. However, the success of your partnership with a VA often hinges on the quality of the onboarding process. Let’s explore the importance of onboarding and how giving your VA the attention they need can pave the way for a productive and fruitful collaboration.

The Essence of Onboarding

Onboarding is not merely a procedural task; it's a strategic investment in your VA's success. Think of it as the foundation upon which you build a strong working relationship. A well-structured onboarding process sets expectations, aligns goals, and ensures that both you and your VA are on the same page from day one.

The Professional Yet Fun Approach

Effective onboarding doesn't have to be a long boring process. Injecting a dose of professionalism blended with a touch of fun can make the process engaging and memorable. Here's how to achieve that balance:

  1. Clear Communication: Begin with a detailed welcome message or orientation video. This is your opportunity to introduce yourself, your business, and your vision. Keep it professional, but also showcase your enthusiasm for the collaboration.

  2. Define Roles and Expectations: Lay out your expectations clearly. Explain the specific tasks, projects, and goals your VA will be working on. Encourage questions and discussions to ensure complete understanding.

  3. Training and Resources: Provide access to the necessary tools, software, and resources. Offer training sessions or comprehensive guides to help your VA navigate your systems effectively.

  4. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular one-on-one check-in meetings to address questions, concerns, and progress updates. This not only ensures clarity but also establishes a strong rapport.

  5. Team Building: Foster a sense of belonging by introducing your VA to the broader team, even if it's a virtual one. Encourage team collaboration through video conferences and group chats.

  6. Encourage Autonomy: While guidance is essential, empower your VA to take ownership of their tasks. Encourage them to propose ideas and solutions, fostering a sense of responsibility.

  7. Feedback and Recognition: Constructive feedback is a cornerstone of growth. Recognize your VA's efforts and provide feedback regularly to encourage improvement.

  8. Celebrate Milestones: Mark achievements and milestones with a touch of fun. Virtual celebrations, small rewards, or acknowledgment in team meetings can go a long way in keeping spirits high.

  9. Training and Skill Development: Support your VA's professional growth by providing opportunities for skill development. Offer access to online courses or workshops that align with their role.

  10. Flexibility and Understanding: Understand that your VA may have unique circumstances. Be flexible and accommodating when possible. This empathy will strengthen the bond between you.

Measuring Success

Success in the world of remote work is often quantifiable. Keep an eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your VA's role. Regularly evaluate progress and celebrate successes together.

Overall, the onboarding process is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It should be tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. By giving your VA the attention they need and fostering a professional yet enjoyable onboarding experience, you're setting the stage for a harmonious and productive partnership that can benefit both parties in the long run. Remember, the success of your VA is your success, and it all starts with a thoughtful onboarding process.

Looking to hire a Virtual Assistant, but nervous to take on the management of the relationship? We are here to help you! Let our team help you find the right VA, help you onboard them, and establish a healthy partnership! Schedule your free consultation today!

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Where to find a good Virtual Assistant

Where can you find the right VA for your business?

As a busy professional, you don't have endless hours to search for a VA, much less the hours to hire a VA, onboard them, and then realize that they don't have the skill set that you need. Finding the right VA for your business, company, or brand is essential to allow you time-freedom to move your business forward instead of operating where you are. There are some good things to know before you hire a VA but this blog will primarily focus on how to find a good VA to support you!

Identity Tasks for a VA

Before you begin searching, clearly identify the tasks and processes that you currently perform that would be possible to delegate to a VA. This might look different in each industry and company, but retrieving the mail or cleaning your lobby would not be tasks for your VA to handle. However, scanning your mail and having your VA file virtually (or deleting the junk) might help you tremendously. Having a VA find, hire, and manage the relationship with a cleaning service for your office might save you a lot of time as well! Take some time to think through what tasks are vital to your role and must be performed by you, tasks that take you too much time or too much mental energy to complete, and tasks that are easy to do but not essential you perform. The second two sets of tasks will be great to delegate to a VA in order to free up your time and energy. This will help to shape your job description and the skill set needed

Draft a Job Description

VAs come to the table with all kinds of skill sets, but not every VA will be a fit for you and your business. Starting with a clear job description and set of expectations will help a VA to determine if they are the right fit for you. As you move forward in a relationship with a VA, the job description will become a tool to reference back to and shape as you go along. 

Sourcing Virtual Assistants

There are many places where you can find Virtual Assistants, each with its own pros and cons. 


Posting a job description to your network on social media or utilizing Indeed or Upwork to find a VA can require a lot of your time but can give you ownership over the process. Posting your job, evaluating applicants, and interviewing candidates can bog down your time and take up a lot of space in your workload. 

Staffing Agencies

Utilizing a VA staffing agency to find a VA can be a great way to find a VA. The agency will perform specialized sourcing searches to identify a VA to fit your description. Most agencies will allow you to be as much or as little involved in the interview process as you'd like. Once a VA has been identified, the onboarding and relationship management becomes your responsibility. If the VA does not work out, you are back to the drawing board. 

VA Companies 

A third option is a VA company, like us at Hiraya & Co. Companies hire or contract out work to dedicated, specialized VAs and take on the process of searching, identifying fits, hiring, and managing the VAs. This is the most hands-off option for finding a VA but typically generates the most time freedom and gain for you as a busy professional. VA companies also work to help manage your relationship with the VA, stepping in to help troubleshoot, provide training and resources, or whatever else is needed for a successful partnership. 

Finding the right VA for you and your business can be a tricky deal. If you take the time to dedicate to a specified search and critical evaluation of your needs and the potential fit of a VA, you can find great success ahead. Hiring a staffing agency or VA company can be a more time-saving approach to finding the right VA to fit your needs. 

Are you a brand looking to hire a VA? Sign up for a free consultation and let us identify for you how we can help!

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How to Get Started as a Virtual Assistant

Getting started as a virtual assistant

Now that you know more about being a Virtual Assistant, let's chat about how to get started. There are many different paths that you can take to find Virtual Assistant work, and trust us, there is plenty of work to go around! 

Before you apply

Before you begin applying for jobs, it's important to take these key steps:

  • Update your resume: Having an up-to-date resume is one of the best tools when looking to apply for jobs. Spend some time researching industry standards, the relevant skills needed for the jobs you are interested in, and what might have changed about the job search industry since the last time you updated your resume. You can even get a professional review of your resume on sites like Indeed. 

  • Take an analysis of your skills and experience: Do you have enough skills and experience to be hireable as a Virtual Assistant? There are many entry-level positions out there, but it can be worth your time to strengthen your knowledge of common platforms and tools that VAs work with. 

Where to find work

Family and Friends

One place that you can start out as a Virtual Assistant is to source family and friends. Chances are someone you know has a small business and needs some extra help. This can be a simple way to find work as a Virtual Assistant, though not every friend or family member makes a good employer. This pathway requires some evaluation if you are willing to risk your relationship with this person for the work experience. You can also ask friends and family for a referral to someone that they know looking for administrative help! 

VA Agency

There are many virtual assistant agencies out in the workforce these days. Some agencies require a detailed and lengthy interview process that can be a turn-off for some. Those without much relevant experience do tend to struggle to be hired by agencies as well. Working with an agency can be a great place to start as you typically have client relationship managers that help to set you up for success, manage the client's expectations, help you troubleshoot issues, and have a lot of experience helping VAs to find the right type of client to work with. Working with an agency is not for everyone, but can be a great place to start.


Upwork can be a great place to find clients looking for administrative support. You can apply on the job boards to job listings from professionals and companies looking to hire freelance work and/or create a candidate profile and wait for clients to contact you. Upwork is a reputable place to freelance, but be wary of scams from those looking to pay off the platform. 

Becoming Successful

We will dive deeper into this topic in another post. But the best way to become a successful VA is to work hard, communicate well, ask for feedback from your clients, and stay consistent. 

Certificates and Starter Programs

If you have done a bit of research about becoming a virtual assistant, you have probably come across an online course about learning to be a VA. Some educational institutions offer specialized certificate courses in things like project management, bookkeeping, digital marketing, and other useful skills. These can be great, reputable ways to grow your skills and prepare you for a role as a Virtual Assistant. There are some online courses, created by individuals, that offer great training and skill development for aspiring VAs, but we encourage you to do your research and tread carefully with these!

If you are a current VA, we would love to hear how you got started! If you are an aspiring VA, let us know which of these pathways sounds like the right move for you!

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Brands Ashley Franklin Brands Ashley Franklin

So you want to hire a Virtual Assistant?

Before you hire a Virtual Assistant, these are some things that you should know.

So you want to hire a Virtual Assistant? A Virtual Assistant can be an incredible asset to an executive, business owner, and professional. Here are some things you should know about working with a VA. 


One of the most crucial portions of your experience with a Virtual Assistant is the onboarding process. Many VA agencies recommend at least 90 days of onboarding with a VA. Business owners and executives often have unrealistic expectations about the amount of time needed to properly onboard a VA. Virtual Assistants are administrative specialists with strong skills and abilities to help you carry the administrative load of your brand and business. While your new VA might know every single platform and tool that you use, they will most likely be armed with knowledge of a similar platform and be able to learn quickly. Executives who are unable or unwilling to devote the time needed to properly onboard a VA often do not find success with their VA. Give the onboarding the time it needs, and your VA will be set-up for success to help you find success!


Many executives describe that they need a VA that can "read their mind and anticipate their needs" and expect a VA to be able to do this within the first few weeks of hiring. This is not a realistic expectation for a brand-new working relationship. Understanding a business and learning a person's work style takes time. Give your VA the time to create the glasses to see your business through your lenses and they will soon be able to anticipate your needs. 

VA vs PA

Virtual Assistants are not personal assistants. While some VAs are okay with a bit of overlap between these two separate roles, it is important to be clear about what your needs are. Do you need someone to help carry the administrative load and operational duties of your business, or do you need someone to assist you with tasks in your personal life that you are unable to accomplish or are not the best use of your time? Both are valid needs, but they are filled by different roles. 


It is important to treat a Virtual Assistant as an employee. They have working hours and off hours that deserve to be respected. Of course, emergencies can happen and most VAs will be more than happy to step in during a crisis. Many brand owners will also tell you that their mind never stops thinking about their business. When an idea or a need pops up after hours, having a non-urgent format for communication can be beneficial for both parties. Scheduled emails or instant messages can be a great way to "get things off your mind" while respecting your VA’s off-hours. 

Looking to hire your next VA? Check out the services we offer and connect with one of our stellar client consultants!

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Virtual Assistant Ashley Franklin Virtual Assistant Ashley Franklin

So you want to be a Virtual Assistant?

Are you interested in becoming a virtual assistant? Here are some things to know before you get started in the industry!

So you want to be a Virtual Assistant? You’ve heard about the flexibility,  the compensation, and the ability to work from anywhere, but what do you really need to know about being a virtual assistant? Take it from our staff, being a Virtual Assistant is great, but there are some important things to know! 

Administrative Expert

A virtual assistant does not need to know every platform, tool, etc. but they need to have strong administrative skills. If you have never worked in a position with high administrative demands, you might not be a fit just yet for being a virtual assistant. While many virtual assistants also serve as personal assistants for clients, you will be expected to have a strong knowledge of Microsoft and Google products. Your clients will expect you to learn new platforms quickly and be able to maximize your time so that they are receiving the best work for their dollar. 


If you don’t mind working at all hours of the day and night and being on call 24/7, this might not apply to you. However many virtual assistants recognize the importance of boundaries too late in establishing a relationship with a client. Sure emergencies happen, but communicating and holding boundaries is an essential aspect of maintaining work/life balance, and securing longevity in this career field. We will dive deeper into boundaries in another blog post, but for now, just know that boundaries are an essential part of what it takes to be a good virtual assistant. 

Home Office

One of the great things about being a virtual assistant is the ability to work from anywhere. Work while on vacation, at a coffee shop, at your child’s extra-curricular activities, at the public library, etc. However, for client-facing meetings, you will probably still need a dedicated office space at your place of residence that has a strong internet connection, is quiet and free of distractions, and has a professional background. You will also need a laptop or desktop computer for tasks that cannot be completed on a tablet. Just keep this in mind as part of your start-up costs if you don’t have these items already. 


One of, if not the most essential facet of your role as a virtual assistant is your communication with your client(s). Timely, clear, and thorough communication can make or break a relationship with a client. When a client reaches out with a task or need, it is important to respond back not only with a “message received” type of response but also to communicate when they can expect that task to be completed. We also recommend check-in meetings with a client on a weekly cadence (maybe even bi-weekly or daily depending on the client). If you do not currently have strong communication skills, this might be an area to strengthen before diving into being a virtual assistant. 

If you are a current Virtual Assistant, we would love to hear what you wish you knew before you started! If you are looking to become a Virtual Assistant, stay tuned for more tips and tricks of the trade!

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